Endangered Earth

I’ve been learning more mixed-media and watercolor techniques and wanted to create original artwork that would bring attention to the living organisms that have been affected by climate change and environmental issues caused by humans… I was so overwhelmed by the amount of endangered/threatened plants and animals in Maryland alone, that I focused on whereContinue reading “Endangered Earth”

March Meet the Maker 2021

Day Three ~ Beliefs and Values My beliefs and values are simple and most closely align with the philosophy of Humanism… I think ALL humans are capable of goodness without religion or spirituality, have the right to have their basic needs met with accessible resources, and are responsible for making all decisions concerning their bodiesContinue reading “March Meet the Maker 2021”

March Meet the Maker 2021

Day Two ~ Style My style, in life and work, is always changing. I have been finding and then following common themes all my life that revolve around a variety of qualities: Simple, beautiful, purposeful, joyful, inclusive, helpful, special, natural, silly, casual, unique, comfortable, rustic, eclectic, messy, vintage, affordable, cozy… I am inspired by elementsContinue reading “March Meet the Maker 2021”

March Meet the Maker 2021

Day One ~ Brand Introduction Hi there! I’m Meg, the one and only Milk, and the heart and soul behind the brand MiMuLiLu, otherwise known as Milk Mustaches & Living Lupie. MiMuLiLu is a space I made during a time of many changes that I hoped would give me a chance to be creative, shareContinue reading “March Meet the Maker 2021”

So many reasons to share a post today…

Native American Heritage Month National Adoptee Awareness Month Men’s Health and Diabetes Awareness Cyber Monday & Small Businesses But Monday’s have been weird because of Mr Husband’s work and, well, life… so, I’m just tired. Here are some wood slice rejects that have been revamped to celebrate Winter… these will be waterproofed to hang onContinue reading “So many reasons to share a post today…”